The Whitney is a museum that has a great rapport with younger artists and the community.
I love Fun. They're great guys. They're incredible artists and musicians.
What's great about games in particular is that it's a socially acceptable way for adults to imagine.
It is frequently the tragedy of the great artist, as it is of the great scientist, that he frightens the ordinary man.
The great songs just come out. If it comes quick, just leave it that way.
It's great that 'Glee' is making viewers more aware of the arts. People appreciate it.
I did not become great by association of The Beatles! Beatles make Maharishi great? Pah! It is a waste of thought.
I just do what I do. It's not something that should be revered as something that's great.
You're one of the most natural, great singers I've heard in a long time.
I always took a great deal of pride in being original.
I have a golden Lab who goes everywhere with me. He's a great leveler.
I'm not Prince or Rivers Cuomo, who brags about having hundreds of great songs.
In the first place, you must pay great attention to the key note.
The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
I've never been super confident about anything. The work is never as good as it could be.
A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.
Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.
The only work I've done the last two years is interviews. I'm very good at it.
The hardships that I encountered in the past will help me succeed in the future.
As long as God gives me the strength to still minister and create, I'll do it.
Intelligence is quickness to apprehend as distinct form ability, which is capacity to act wisely on the thing apprehended.