One possibility is: God is nothing but the power of the universe to organize itself.
I'm kinda mad that I had to wait 28 years to jump on a skateboard.
Our greatest stupidities may be very wise.
Language is a part of our organism and no less complicated than it.
For a truly religious man nothing is tragic.
If a lion could talk, we could not understand him.
An inner process stands in need of outward criteria.
An entire mythology is stored within our language.
Fortunately, Iranians are politically active worldwide.
There is a constant need for new systems and new software.
I've been an entrepreneur three times. I started three companies.
The idea is in my head to put it down is nothing.
All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites.
I was the last Republican lieutenant governor and it's been over 20 years.
In the arts, as in life, everything is possible provided it is based on love.
Love and fantasy, go hand in hand.
There's not as many people as one would think you can be completely open with.
I don't like to think 10 years down the road.
Billions of dollars are thrown at African countries.
I was in the army, and I had given up the thought of being a composer.
I don't feel overwhelmed with information. I really like it.