Karşınızdakine katlanabilmek için onunla ilgili bazı şeyleri görmezden gelerek yaşamaktan başka çareniz yoktur. Tıpkı öpüşen iki kişinin buna devam edebilmek için o sırada on milyon ila bir milyar arası bakteriyi değiştiklerini b...
Eğer bir gülümseme, onun yüzünde meydana gelen küçük bir değişiklikle başlıyor ve sonra tüm yüzüne yayılıyorsa… Ama yavaş yavaş… Suya taş atarsın hani, o taşın oluşturduğu halka büyür de yayılır ya… İşte onun gibi...
Tanrı'ya karşı olduğumu sanma, dedi. Tanrı'ya inancım tamdır. Yalnız cennet ve cehenneme inanmıyorum işte. İnsanları aptal yerine koyup onları öbür dünyada cennete, ya da cehenneme gideceklerini söylemek bence saçmalığın en büy�...
Wir werden alt und grau. Wir werden eines Tages verschlissen sein und aus der Welt verschwinden. Mit unseren Träumen ist das anders. Sie können in anderen Menschen weiterleben, wenn es uns schon längst, längst nicht mehr gibt.
En aquellos días aprendí que nada da más miedo que un héroe que vive para contarlo, para contar lo que todos los que cayeron a su lado no podrán contar jamás.
Jetzt habe ich es kapiert: Es geht nicht um Fortschritt. Es geht nicht um eine Erfahrung. Nein. Es geht in jedem einzelnen Moment einfach nur darum, in genau diesem Moment das Richtige zu tun.
Da used to say that lies were easy, but trust was hard. Trust is like faith: it can turn people into believers, but every time it's lost, trust becomes harder and harder to win back.
Il terrore non è niente, se non è accompagnato da qualcosa di visibilmente orribile. Non riesce a entrare sotto pelle in maniera disgustosa se non c’è niente in grado di nutrire la mente.
(Da) "Sorry, Son, what was that? I was too busy ignoring you." (Later) "Sorry, Son, I missed that," Ma said. "Ignoring you can be a full-time job.
She was crude, but loyal. He began to understand her even better than before. A pity she was so old; it was too late to try to make a human being of her.
Siate sinceri! Siate sempre sinceri! E mostrate francamente al mondo, se non proprio il vostro lato peggiore, almeno qualche aspetto, da cui possa essere noto il peggiore male che è in voi.
[In geology,] As in history, the material in hand remains silent if no questions are asked. The nature of these questions depends on the 'school' to which the geologist belongs and on the objectivity of his investigations. Hans Cloos called this way ...
Ognuno sta solo sul cuor della terra trafitto da un raggio di sole: ed e subito sera. (Everyone stands along on the heart of the earth transfixed by a sun ray: and suddenly it is evening.)
Sono egoista, impaziente e un po' insicura. Commetto errori, sono fuori controllo e, allo stesso tempo, difficile da gestire. Ma se non sei in grado di gestire il mio lato peggiore, allora certamente non sarai in grado di gestire quello migliore.
I like the sound of laughter. I was the guy in the group of friends that would always make the friends laugh. And everyone was like, 'You should do stand up,' so I gave it a shot, and ta-da! They were right.
I have a day job Monday to Friday. I work at a record label in Brooklyn called Ba Da Bing. It's a great indie label and I listen to music all day. I meet people online and find out about the cool new music blogs.
No hay nada más sublime en la vida que dar, y cuanto más das, más recibes, y esa es la felicidad que uno tiene, con la que cuenta, y es mucha. Ahí reside el auténtico sentido, todo el sentido.
„Wer mein Haus betreten will, der trete ein. Wem es hier gefällt, der bleibe. Ich weigere mich, etwas zu planen. Und wenn man mich fragt, was ich aus meinem Haus mitnehmen würde, wenn es brennt, antworte ich: das Feuer.
I was at the radio station all the time and on the air all the time. I met John Travolta and a lot of the other big '70s icons. Shaun Cassidy sang 'Da Do Ron Ron' to me onstage. I thought I was a rock star; I had an all-access-pass childhood.
Captain: They won't catch us this time! Not this time! They haven't spotted us! No, they're all snoring in their bunks! Or, you know what? They're drinking at the bar, celebrating our sinking! Not yet, my friends. Not yet!
Pilgrim: Hey, have you got any hairs up your nose? Frenssen: Why? Pilgrim: I've got some up my ass. Maybe we can tie them together?