I like to play with someone who can cover a lot of ground and someone with whom you can discuss the language at a reasonable level; otherwise it gets a bit frustrating.
I think when you look at architectural photography it doesn't help to have piles of old clothes lying on the floor. Architectural photography sets up an artifice.
The thing is, it's very dangerous to have a fixed idea. A person with a fixed idea will always find some way of convincing himself in the end that he is right
Intuition makes much of it; I mean by this the faculty of seeing a connection between things that in appearance are completely different; it does not fail to lead us astray quite often.
Well, some mathematics problems look simple, and you try them for a year or so, and then you try them for a hundred years, and it turns out that they're extremely hard to solve.
Perhaps the methods I needed to complete the proof would not be invented for a hundred years. So even if I was on the right track, I could be living in the wrong century.
I tried to fit it in with some previous broad conceptual understanding of some part of mathematics that would clarify the particular problem I was thinking about.
It could be that the methods needed to take the next step may simply be beyond present day mathematics. Perhaps the methods I needed to complete the proof would not be invented for a hundred years.
I'm a secretive bastard. I would never let anybody watch me painting... it would be like somebody watching you have sex - painting is that personal to me.
I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape. Something waits beneath it; the whole story doesn't show.
I don't really have studios. I wander around around people's attics, out in fields, in cellars, anyplace I find that invites me.
If you clean it up, get analytical, all the subtle joy and emotion you felt in the first place goes flying out the window.
I search for the realness, the real feeling of a subject, all the texture around it... I always want to see the third dimension of something... I want to come alive with the object.
With AC/DC, we've always started with rock, and we've just kept it going. The critic's view is always , 'They just made an album and it's the same as the last one.' I'll have fifteen of them, anytime.
Not so cold, some snow fell. I went inside the log cabin and said goodbye to Mother, she was so alike grandmother, just younger.
Your job is to focus on my personal happiness, she said, & I've got big plans, so break time is over.
If you're right & I'm not, I'm going to be hell to live with, she said. So, you better think about that next time you want to be right.
He loved her for almost everything she was & she decided that was enough to let him stay for a very long time.
I have a renewed commitment to elegance, she said, in case you think I'm just spending money for the fun of it.
What I'm mostly good at is sleeping, he once told me in confidence, but he added, I don't see much future in it.
I am of the African race, and in the colour which is natural to them of the deepest dye; and it is under a sense of the most profound gratitude to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe.