It's generally more fun playing the villain.
For three years, I had embarrassing haircuts.
My soul is still Irish.
I have been acting since I was thirteen.
The country crowd just has fun.
It's fun being creative and that's satisfying.
La dictature c'est "Ferme ta gueule !", la démocratie c'est "Cause toujours !
I will never fit in because I wasn't meant to
Rufus? He's a grand kisser, and he's dead sexy.
Every tub must stand upon its bottom.
I have X'd myself from your world.
I'm a very competitive girl. In everything I do.
I like Bloomingdales, and I like a store called Scoop.
Rarely has reality needed so much to be imagined.
I'm from Long Island. Strong Island.
I have never been much of a painter.
I never find sincerity offensive... so, be sincere.
We're real fortunate to have such a unique cast.
Our purpose is to educate as well as to entertain.
Total paranoia is just total awareness.
Put it this way: singing is not my day job.