For me, comedy and drama are all the same thing.
I don't like to box myself in when I'm composing.
I am flippant. That's one of my charms.
Everyone carries around his own monsters.
Soon, I'm going to need help crossing the street.
I've certainly been very blessed with opportunity.
I don't ever want to be comfortable with anything I'm doing.
Especially in Britain, people want to limit you.
I saw Suicide in '74 and it was pretty horrifying.
I never really followed grunge.
Acting is the ability to dream on cue.
I married a saint - well, a saint who curses.
I still got my hair, I'm not fat.
My career has been my craziest adventure.
In high school, I was very unpopular.
I just like to look beautiful sometimes.
I was never really comfortable doing comedy.
How can you look at the galaxy and not feel insignificant?
I am in a constant stage of development.
I was always aware that this whole Earth is on overload.
I kind of have a dilettantish spirit about me.