Visual elements are, of course, the director's job.
Parvesh Cheena is a real treat for the ladies.
I like roles that people don't recognize me in.
The phenomenon of 'Transformers' itself is mind-shaking, you know?
Sometimes in television, if there are storylines that are oft-told, people can be hypercritical of them.
I had this odd sibling rivalry with America.
The better the acting is, the harder it is to see what the process is.
I never lived in an abandoned railroad station.
I've felt like an outsider. I've had to struggle.
London is one of my favourite places to come to overseas.
You know you're old if your walker has an airbag.
I buried a lot of my ironing in the back yard.
Every director is so different from every other one.
My people were homesteading in Colorado before Emancipation.
I mean, I'm not going to play the hero of something.
I never look in the rearview mirror.
Irish and Italian are my two favourite people.
There are only twelve tones and they need to be treated carefully.
There are seven songs finished and on par with any that are on Siren's.
The size of my head though is pretty abnormal.
To act well isn't an easy thing.