I would love to make video games.
I find all that slightly destructive but mad love alluring.
I love cats. I've had cats as pets.
I love having no sense of tomorrow or yesterday.
I love my wife, I love my kids.
My first love is producing.
People love to be scared. I guess it's a primal deal.
Love is more important than material possessions.
I really love theatre, as that is where I started out.
I love a man with stubble. It's very sexy.
I love wearing men's clothing and underwear.
I've always stood up for country music.
People's musical tastes are fickle, and music can be a fashion.
There are so few directors who are musical who appreciate music.
Everyone in the music industry is so fun and laid-back.
The classical music world is so snobbish.
My head works in music, so there's always music there.
Music keeps the heart porous in many ways.
Music is real; it's something you can touch and feel.
I'm inspired by music. Sometimes more than I want to be.
There's people making babies to my music. That's nice.