My son is my routine and priority, period!
Actors are always the last to see what they have created.
My entire personality changes when I'm in L.A.
Drama seems to kind of surround me.
I only eat things that you don't have to kill.
I turn to the 'Telegraph's' obituaries page with trepidation.
I've basically got an album full of singles.
Almost everything I do is related to being fat.
I punched my mother out once.
I'm not very wise to many things.
I'm not a cook. I don't think I ever will be.
'The Way of the Gun' I wrote in five days.
I'm afraid of needles, except acupuncture needles.
Comedy writing is taking the brief thought and going with it.
In comedy it helps if there's a friendly atmosphere on the set.
I always embrace the worst-case scenario.
Don't play the saxophone. Let it play you.
I'm not really sure what gay propaganda is.
Lying does exist in crazy forms.
There's certainly the ego-based me that is very competitive.
like a soulmate he's your penguin