I'm very happy to be involved with great filmmakers.
Mother was a great force in her area of evangelism.
'The Great Gatsby' ticked so many boxes for me.
I have a great life and I'm super active.
Even my great grand-mother did impressions.
But I always loved songs with great lyrics.
I get recognized a lot now. It's great.
Kids have been a great clarifier - incredibly rewarding.
I'm very lucky, coming from a great school.
Bernard Herrmann was a genius, a great, great composer.
I love to sing with great singers.
One of my great influences was Don Knotts as Barney Fife.
Fish oil is a great protein for your hair.
Every great story seems to begin with a snake.
I'm not a great piano player.
I have no great message to the world.
The greater the effort, the greater the glory.
I miss working with great actors, working with great directors.
I'm finally locked into the now, and it's great.
Some of the great characters that I've played had to be transformational.
I'm surrounded by great guitar players.