I haven't been on the stage in a long time.
The way to compose for me is to have lots of time.
Free time keeps me going.
I've spent quite a bit of time in East Africa.
I was a shy gay man at a time when it was illegal to be gay.
I don't believe in stereotypes. Most of the time, stereotypes are just that.
I spend an awful lot of time by myself and enjoy that.
I do cagefight commentary in my spare time.
I was conscious of my father's fame from the time I was 6.
I just try to take it as it comes. One autograph at a time.
From that time on, I always had the studios on my neck.
I'm not okay when I have to be around everyone all the time.
I spent a lot of time feeling alienated and rejected.
Comedy is tragedy plus time, but the time is different for everybody.
Any time you audition and get it, you earned it.
'Once Upon a Time in the West' is one of my favorite films.
I was probably 11 by the time I saw a movie.
'Breaking Bad' is one of my favorite shows of all time.
I'm not a collector. I toss things out all the time.
Taste in comedy, like fashion, changes all the time.
Any time you're a type, your career's over.