You cannot contract to sell a baby. If they legalize this contract they may soon start bringing poor women in from other countries just to be breeders.
The state does not oppose the freedom of people to express their particular cultural attachments, but nor does it nurture such expression—rather [...] it responds with 'benign neglect' [....] The members of ethnic and national groups are protected ...
Parents and schoolteachers counsel black children that, if they ever hope to escape this system and avoid prison time, they must be on their best behavior, raise their arms and spread their legs for the police without complaint, stay in failing schoo...
Billy Hayes: What is a crime? What is punishment? It seems to vary from time to time and place to place. What's legal today is suddenly illegal tomorrow because society says it's so, and what's illegal yesterday is suddenly legal because everybody's ...
The U.S. tries to provide immigrants who grow up here with a world-class education and imbue them with the can-do attitude that has long defined American innovation.
The anger that Uncle Junior has comes from my background. My father was the son of an Italian immigrant, and I've seen the fire of the Italian temperament. It can be explosive sometimes in ways that are both funny and tragic.
America offers the most amount of people the best opportunity to pursue happiness on the planet. That's why millions of illegal immigrants have poured into the country - most of them poor. They believe they have a shot to improve themselves economica...
That should be our test regarding immigrants. Those who come to America to tear it down or live off of others should not be welcomed.
My grandfather was a Russian-Jewish immigrant who lived in Northern Ireland and apparently when he sang in the synagogue he made everyone cry.
The attacks on the Paris Metro in the 1990s were committed by members of the local Muslim community, immigrants from the Maghreb region of North Africa.
Amnesty is a big billboard, a flashing billboard, to the rest of the world that we don't really mean our immigration law.
But then I came to the conclusion that no, while there may be an immigration problem, it isn't really a serious problem. The really serious problem is assimilation.
Mexican immigration poses challenges to our policies and to our identity in a way nothing else has in the past.
Uncontrolled, mass immigration displaces British workers, forces people onto benefits, and suppresses wages for the low-paid.
A system of cameras and censors are used along the border and interior to help detect the movement of illegal immigrants crossing through the dense brush.
In my town, and especially in my area, there were people from everywhere: Algerians, Senegalese, French people, Asians, all kinds of immigrants and natives, and everyone circulated.
Do all children have some inherent right to live in America if they have done nothing wrong? If not, then why should the children of illegal immigrants have such a right?
Well, my father's people were Mormon, and had immigrated not long after Brigham Young had settled Utah.
My folks came to U.S. as immigrants, aliens, and became citizens. I was born in Boston, a citizen, went to Hollywood and became an alien.
The journey from employee to entrepreneur was a complex and taxing one for an immigrant like me.
Immigrants do more than help us win our wars, or set up cleaning shops or ethnic restaurants.