I do see myself going to LA. Not anytime soon.
I don't have any desire to be better known.
I'm one of those people that just likes to be comfortable.
Granamyr doesn't fight humans, Granamyr wins.
It suits me to be in a series that takes ages to film.
All I'm thinking about today is cleaning my bathroom.
He allowed us to choreograph the sex scenes.
'The Hulk' was the beginning of me, a platform as an actor to grow.
My next baby will be my new record.
I know I'll be under a spotlight, I know I'll be under the microscope.
I preferred the simplest vocabulary.
If you dont have any shadows you're not in the light
I have never gauged myself against anyone else.
What was freely given to me, I freely give.
I find 'Chainsaw' to be a very relaxing film.
You couldn't get less royal than me.
Southern people remind me a lot of Australia.
To know the rules of the game, you have to be educated.
At fourteen, I started sending out demo tapes.
They must have a feeling of do or die. It is such an overcrowded profession.
You're never promised your next breath.