Why do they cover Paul's songs but never mine?
You always learn something from mistakes.
I am going to be the next Ryan Gosling.
I miss my horse. He's in Los Angeles.
The words ran away with me.
Unseelie dreams make unseelie fae.
For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.
The love story for me was the nature of the love and not the age of the lovers.
This whole phenomenon of the computer in a library is an amazing thing.
It's amazing how, over time, a person's perspective can be altered.
There was something amazingly enticing about programming.
Real artists take the misery and sadness of life and translate it into art.
My life is art. Its how I express God.
We dress the way we think.
Surrounded by darkness yet enfolded in light
Fail to plan, plan to fail.
If war is the answer, it's a bloody stupid question.
May it be written. May it be done.
Playing live if the thing I love doing best.
Just lead your life and try to make the best decisions.
TV is the best. I wish that's how life was.