I love being my husband's wife.
There is no avoidance in delay.
The only constant in this life is change.
But what is great can only begin great.
Dreams are glimpses into life’s truths.
Please don't take my wings...
The time is always right to do what is right.
Life too is precious to waste - to spend on anything but the best.
I've always played my best golf in the summer.
Memories are the best things in life, I think.
And nothing is, but what is not.
I can fish from a stick and a string.
My advice to Hillary would be to divorce that chump.
I was different and people made fun of me.
We've performed in South America and in Japan.
I certainly never saw myself as posh.
Sometimes we do things that are really awful.
I went to Kerala in India, to learn Ayurveda, which was fantastic.
I will never stop complaining.
I guess you deal with what you get.
I don't mind being called a weirdo.