I'm not suggesting that the play is without fault; all of my plays are imperfect, I'm rather happy to say-it leaves me something to do.
I'm a little more extreme than a homebody. Unless there's some event I really have to go to, I don't like to leave my house.
House guests should be regarded as perishables: Leave them out too long and they go bad.
I got a job immediately after leaving high school; I was lucky - three dollars a week and all I could eat, working on a vegetable truck.
To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that which says: "Leave no stone unturned.
One should live and die where one was born... I've been bored everywhere I went. What was the point of leaving Coasta Boacu?
Cleanliness is very important. If you let kids make a total mess in the kitchen and then leave, you're not really teaching them anything.
My goal and mission is to be very strong in avoiding back steps. I leave judgments, evaluations and analysis to the media, then to the observers.
Ultimately the white man should leave the United States and the black people should go back to Africa.
It is very important that when you put something on the grill, you leave it in place to cook. If you move it around too quickly, chances are it is going to stick.
I don't like to dump the dressing on top of the greens. Instead, I pour it against the side of the bowl - using only enough to glaze the leaves - then toss.
Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss but in the cup And I'll not look for wine.
During a negotiation, it would be wise not to take anything personally. If you leave personalities out of it, you will be able to see opportunities more objectively.
To write is to release the soul. So write. What right have we to leave a thing of such beauty bottled within ourselves?
It is shameful that millions of Americans are suffering the economic injustice of working a full-time job and earning a wage that leaves them below the poverty line.
Leave the door to happiness always ajar; The key to that door lies in our hearts Let happiness just sneak in!
I want people to remember ABBA as we were. I don't think that four geriatrics wheeled on stage is what we should leave as our legacy.
An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.
When you leave a club like Liverpool, you have to go somewhere you'll feel comfortable and progress as a player. To come to Stoke was an easy decision.
I was a supporter of the desire, in my section of Nigeria, to leave the federation because it was treated very badly with something that was called genocide in those days.
In all the sciences except Psychology we deal with objects and their changes, and leave out of account as far as possible the mind which observes them.