I'm proud of the fact that I made my way in life very rigorously. I was a bit too stubborn when it came to certain things, which was unnecessary, like getting independent from and leaving Germany.
It is a sign of the times that the absence of meaningful ID requirements in many states leaves our voting process vulnerable to fraud and allows legal votes to be cancelled out by illegally cast ballots.
There is a huge number of people outside our borders who would love to come here. In fact, many of them come here, get well educated, and then are required to leave... This is a factor in income inequality.
I might be too emotional to be a manager. You love your players, don't you? And I'm not sure I could leave them out. I know how it feels.
I love the idea of leaving some of the original abstract thought in, because the problem is that when you pick up a pen you become a snob, your own worse critic. You edit yourself in a way that is non-creative.
What then in love can woman do? If we grow fond they shun us. And when we fly them, they pursue: But leave us when they've won us.
My love for artichokes comes from when I was very young. My mother and father would slice the hearts and fry them, and they would be crispy around the leaves and tender at the base.
Find the courage to leave all your worries, fears, and doubts behind you. They are nothing but your enemies of progress.
A lot of people don't get to succeed in life because they fail to put in their very best before leaving the rest in God's hands.
We are constantly reminded about how short life is. Please try to leave your best positive impression on everyone that you meet.
Never permit fears, doubts, circumstances, laziness or the lack of ambition to force you into leaving any stone unturned.
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart
if you will always give great ears to the cacophony of the masses instead of the solemn voice of your true purpose, you will never leave a distinctive footprint
Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly.
A man who is right by your side through everything makes you happy. But he can leave your side to make dinner once in a while!
Do your best, then put your feet on the table, and to God leave the rest.
The Wanderer then leaves behind the spiritual seeker, with all the accumulated knowledge and lofty spiritual experience, and takes the first step on the Journey.
The idea that 'if you don't like how things are going, you can just leave' is so ingrained in Texas, the secession movement is no surprise.
Bromates are regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act, but officials are required to test for them only when water leaves a treatment plant.
A leader's most important decisions are about people. Who do you put in which jobs? How long do you leave them in a job?
But I just think we've got such a continuity with what we're doing that most people come in and fill in the blanks. And sometimes we leave a lot of blanks to be filled.