Nothing matches a Sailor’s kiss coming back home where he belongs.
Alcohol is not only a homely drink because also it drinks the whole family.
There’s a reason you don’t have pictures of your work area at sweet home.
For the children around the world without a home, say a prayer tonight.
In the space, the pause between this breath and the one that follows, you have made a home inside me.
from I left my home with unencumbered will And all the rubbish of confusion sold.
I'm not homely enough to play the nerdy girl and not nearly pretty enough to play the pretty girl.
I'm not here only just for a visit; but I'm here cuz' i knew I'm HOME.
My wife is my in-home editor and reads everything I write.
Some books are so familiar that reading them is like being home again.
sweet home-- you need a place to be yourself and love you
Home is where I built my life. - Henry Morbower
The nice thing about being away from home is the feeling of excitement when returning to it!
For some, the universe ends at the borders of their villages; even for others, at the threshold of their home doors.
The ideal home: big enough for you to hear the children, but not very well.
I didn't go to high school, so I don't have a high school experience. I was home-schooled during high school.
I'm kind of a homebody. I like to sit at home and watch movies and eat good food.
There is a whole aspect of freedom to recording at home that you don't get in a studio. The possibilities are infinite, and there is no reason not to explore them.
I was a girl and became a woman. Something about having the freedom at home to be in the position I wanted, to have the people I wanted, was empowering.
Our safety at home and the cause of freedom abroad is largely contingent upon our success in Iraq.
People are responsible adults at home. Why do we suddenly transform them into adolescents with no freedom when they reach the workplace?