Leaving the feasibility of testicular transplants alone for the moment, she said, “It was mostly my mistake.
When I am perfect, I will be allowed to leave.
You're not a book person. And now you're not an internet person? What does that leave you?
...the winter is kind and leaves red berries on the boughs for hungry sparrows...
...you are enchanted - only a princess can leave glass footprints in the snow...
Face your life, its pain, its pleasure, leave no path untaken.
Is it romantic or psychotic when I say I'll never let you leave me?
She looked like autumn, when leaves turned and fruit ripened.
It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.
At least reindeer kisses do not cause me to take leave of my senses.
To see the farm is to leave it.
Sleep is an unfortunate biological requirement that both wastes time and leaves one vulnerable.
Kindness always leaves a timeless deposit on the heart.
I try to write lyrics so that they won't age, which sort of leaves you with the big subjects like death and love and sex and violence.
Its all about finding the right note at the right place and knowing when to leave well enough alone. And that's a lifelong quest.
Human beings should be held accountable. Leave God alone. He has enough problems.
In the old days, I just could not leave characters alone. Now I just try to keep the ones that still have something in the way of stories to tell.
I don't wanna hear nobody complain that they're getting paid all this money and people won't leave them alone. It's part of it.
For a while I couldn't leave the house by myself. Even if I was just grocery shopping alone, I'd get self-conscious.
I started crying the other day just thinking that the baby is going to leave me soon! You have this relationship with this person in your belly and it's really amazing.
Anger and hate against one we love steels our hearts, but contempt or pity leaves us silent and ashamed.