For my name and memory I leave to men's charitable speeches, and to foreign nations and the next ages.
Men who consistently leave the toilet seat up secretly want women to get up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night and fall in.
The mystery is what prompted men to leave caves, to come out of the womb of nature.
I think when you're a mom and an actor, it forces you to leave any actor neuroses behind and just concentrate on the work.
If you're fighting with your boyfriend, you can go to the movies and cry it out and leave happy because the ending of the film is happy.
I want to make movies that people talk about when they leave the theater, that aren't clear-cut, but effective and fulfilling in some sense.
Chow Mo Wan: I have a secret to tell you. Will you leave with me?
Dilios: Hundreds leave, a handful stay. Only one looks back.
Bot Fight MC: Two bots enter; one bot leaves.
Richard: [to other tourists] You leave, I'll kill you. I'll kill you!
Bender: [as Mr. Vernon leaves the library] That man... is a brownie hound.
All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is part of ourselves.
I would as soon leave my son a curse as the almighty dollar.
It was easy for me to leave acting for school, because I wasn't really in it as an adolescent for fulfilling reasons.
To avoid a military conflict, Saddam Hussein has no other choice than to leave the country.
I'll leave it to others to try to determine whether or not that was unfair or not. I'm not the nominee.
Crowns and thrones are all bodies which rise and perish and leave the world as it is.
My father helped me leave. He said, 'It's all out there, it's not here.'
If I leave, reality will devour me. Then they will all really be dead.
Politics, like theater, is one of those things where you've got to be wise enough to know when to leave.
With the end of the nominating process, American politics leaves logic behind.