Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age.
Do not live in the shadow of the masters for ever. Learn to live in the light of your soul. Life deserves full expression.
The entrepreneurial instinct is in you. You can't learn it, you can't buy it, you can't put it in a bottle. It's just there and it comes out.
I think you only learn what kind of personality you have by committing to things.
What I learned from doing 'The Graduate' was it doesn't matter what the medium is... as long as the material is inspiring and the characters are well written.
Learned helplessness is the giving-up reaction, the quitting response that follows from the belief that whatever you do doesn't matter.
Creativity comes from applying things you learn in other fields to the field you work in.
We must, all of us, learn actually not to have enemies, but only confused adversaries who are ourselves in disguise.
At the Brooklyn Ethical Culture School, we learned to express ourselves, and I've been expressing myself ever since.
Children should learn that reading is pleasure, not just something that teachers make you do in school.
The world is fast changing and until you learn to adapt and adjust to stand out from the masses, you will fade into oblivion
I learned early on, stay away from politics, stay away from religion and don't talk about sports. Those three right there will get you in trouble.
There is so much that is positive, wonderful even, about state schools. At a state school your kids will learn to live alongside and appreciate other kids from many diverse and different cultures.
My father was an absolutely wonderful human being. From him I learned to always assume positive intent. Whatever anybody says or does, assume positive intent.
I started to study, because I knew I had to learn a lot about myself as an actor; you can't act the same as you did as a child.
the most weird things about elders, they learned it on a quiet younger age & don't want us to.
Followers of the occult believe in only what they already know, and in those things that confirm what they have already learned.
I don't know what's more tragic, knowing how to read and choosing not to, or not knowing how to read and refusing to learn.
If the old saying is true, that what one generation learns in school is the philosophy of the next, then the philosophy of the next generation will be totalitarianism.
If you love someone let them know, if you hate someone learn to love them.
Learning from others is primary to your success, even doctors seek advice from specialists.