Time management is probably the biggest thing I've had to learn to deal with being on the PGA Tour, whether it be media or figuring out how many weeks to play in a row. That's been the biggest adjustment, coming from amateur and college golf.
I learned very early that an audience would relax and look at things differently if they felt they could laugh with you from time to time. There's an energy that comes through the release of tension that is laughter.
Everyone is always telling me that I must be exhausted, but I've learned how to use my time well, and that includes holidays to recharge. I always try to give myself big chunks of time to think about what the next project is going to be.
Playing live is everything. Sometimes being on the road is hard, and it's a lot of work, and tiring. From a musical point of view, you improve all the time. Not only that, but you learn how to deal with people and deal with energy in a live setting.
We travel to learn; and I have never been in any country where they did not do something better than we do it, think some thoughts better than we think, catch some inspiration from heights above our own.
Americans have learned to trust free markets. Republican or Democrat, we believe the unimpeded exchange of goods and services will yield better solutions than five-year plans set by even the most well-meaning public servants.
You try and learn from some people's mistakes. But you have to really trust the people who are working for you because they make a lot of decisions that could either do well for you or really screw up your image.
I think we've all been misled, at moments in our lives, certainly in school situations, and things like that, with getting with the wrong group briefly, or falling in with someone who we learn the truth about and no longer want to really be with.
François Marin: I didn't asked you what you liked in the class, I want to know what did you learned from it.
Rocket: Koba say, Apes should hate humans. Caesar: Enough! From humans Koba learned hate. But nothing else.
Van Helsing: We have learned much. Dracula fears us. He fears time. For if he does not, why does he hurry so.
John Keating: I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself. Nolan: At these boys' age? Not on your life!
Raymond: I've learned my lesson about mixing in other worlds. I've seen the sparks fly. All kinds.
Frankie Dunn: What you learn tonight? Maggie Fitzgerald: Always protect myself. Frankie Dunn: What's the rule? Maggie Fitzgerald: Always protect myself.
Joel Cairo: You always have a very smooth explanation ready. Sam Spade: What do you want me to do, learn to stutter?
Professor Henry Higgins: I've learned something from your idiotic notions, I confess that; humbly and gratefully.
Christopher "Chris" Wilton: You have to learn to push the guilt under the rug and move on, otherwise it overwhelms you.
Hilario: Even if we had the guns, we know how to plant and grow, we don't know how to kill. Old Man: Then learn, or die!
Max Schumacher: [about Diana] I'm not sure she's capable of any real feelings. She's television generation. She learned life from Bugs Bunny.
Macaulay Connor: [after learning that Dexter is Tracy's ex-husband and is going to help with introducing him and Liz] Holy mackerel. What goes on here?
Ramón Sampedro: When you can't escape, and you constantly rely on everyone else, you learn to cry by smiling, you know?