They're so cold, these scholars! May lightning strike their food so that their mouths learn how to eat fire!
Love of learning is a pleasant and universal bond since it deals with what one is and not what one has.
I think I’m learning that sometimes the bravest thing is not to face the world, but to turn away from it.
I learned not to confuse 'busy' with 'productive,' but I'm still far too addicted to email to resist its early-morning digital snuggles.
You want to teach the next generation so they can learn a little bit faster and a little bit more so everything becomes that much better.
Really, anyone can learn how to fly. If you can drive a bus, you can fly an airplane.
The best way to learn about books ... is to spend time with them, talk about them, defend them.
When you do a play, you do it for a couple months, and it just gets in your bones. You can learn about somebody that way.
Learn your instrument. Be honest. Don't do anything phony. There is so much crap floating around. There is plenty of room for a bit of honest writing.
I had piano lessons when I was younger, but I quit because I didn't want to sit and learn the scales.
A person must first learn how to walk on their own before you can guide them in the right direction.
Both 'OC' and 'Everwood,' there were people on set where you learned to stay away from them on a bad day.
My earliest memories as a child are listening to Beatles records, and they are a big part of how I've learned to write pop songs.
I learn everyday what it means to love myself, and I'm constantly figuring out what makes me feel empowered.
There is more experience on the field of justification than on the camp of training. Sometimes, you got to take actions to learn more.
I've learned to stay the course. There are no shortcuts. No detours. They take you further away from your goal.
I'm only an actor. I'm not a writer. I'm not going to leave any legacy. All I've ever done is learn the lines and say them.
Angling may be said to be so like the mathematics that it can never be fully learned.
I understood very little about the significance of the Tony before, but I've learned that it makes a huge significance to whether or not your show is going to run.
I learned long ago to accept the fact that not everything I create will see the light of day.
I've learned that you can call it a band, but unless everyone is contributing, it's not, really. It's pretending that it's a band.