This is a learning in the business life that first of all you need to have commitment, dedication and passion for what you are doing.
The Internet has changed the way we communicate with each other, the way we learn about the world and the way we conduct business.
Ludacris is a very smart individual. He's about his business. Everything is business with him. So I learned a lot about making deals from him.
You gotta learn that if you don't get it by midnight, chances are you ain't gonna get it, and if you do, it ain't worth it.
When you learn about the teaching and the practice of another tradition, you always have a chance to understand your own teaching and practice.
The thing I've come to learn is that what's great about small independent films is the intimacy and the communication that occurs when you're making them.
A man's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation.
Learning is any change in a system that produces a more or less permanent change in its capacity for adapting to its environment.
It is one of the great tragedies of the US, that most learn most of what they know about the government from the government.
I learned running the government for the Presidency, which I always thought was difficult, is even more difficult than I thought.
I learned the hard way how desperately primitive is the technology we have for monitoring the health of someone with a chronic illness.
Everybody needs to understand that I learned Arabic from the United States Army as a second language. I never spoke it at home.
I never was the front man in any bands I played in when I was in college, and I always learned music by myself at home.
I had no books at home. I started to frequent a public library in Lisbon. It was there, with no help except curiosity and the will to learn, that my taste for reading developed and was refined.
There is no substitute for kindness in the home. This lesson I learned from my father. He always listened to my mother's advice. As a result, he was a better, wiser, and kinder man.
One major challenge within happiness is loneliness. The more I've learned about happiness, the more I've come to believe that loneliness is a terrible, common, and important obstacle to consider.
They say that people teach what they need to learn. By adopting the role of happiness teacher, if only for myself, I was trying to find the method to conquer my particular faults and limitations.
When I was in school, all our history books were American, so we learned American history, not Canadian history.
I don't think you should ever run from history. You should learn from it and embrace it.
One thing I've learned over these last 30 or 40 years is that people make history. There's no fait accompli to any of this.
History serves as a model not only of who and what we are to be, we learn what to champion and what to avoid.