Not everyone can lead worship.
I've tried to lead a progressive, activist government.
We do not know enough about how the present will lead into the future.
I lead an introverted and boring life here in California.
I lead a very conventional life.
It is time for a leader who will lead.
Trust leads to approachability and open communications.
Where music leads, I follow.
A good man, is a good man, whether in this church, or out of it.
A young man is a theory, an old man is a fact.
It is bad for a young man to sin; but it is worse for an old man to sin.
Learn to love and broke man to marry a good man.
The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.
Everything in woman is a riddle, and everything in woman hath one solution —it is called pregnancy. Man is for woman a means: the purpose is always the child. But what is woman for man? Two different things wanted the true man: danger and diversion...
[Unser Leben] ist unüberwindlich verworren nur dann, wen man an sich denkt; aber in dem Augenblick, wo man nicht an sich denkt, sondern sich fragt, wie man einem anderen helfen könne, ist es sehr einfach.
I have believed the best of every man, and find that to believe it is enough to make a bad man show him at his best or even a good man swing his lantern higher.
A little man often cast a long shadow.
A learned man without work is a cloud without rain.
Let the man who has suffered ask it -- not the man who has travelled.
The joy of a poor man does not last long.
Every man assumes the colors of his surroundings.