The most honorable part of a network are the hubs, not the nodes that lead to nowhere.
#Networking is people looking for people looking for peopleShe was returning home to be the wife of, mother of, First Lady of, but what did that really mean?
Lead Me HomeAll beautiful women lead a gearless life and die horribly. Like the queen- Marilyn Monroe.
Life... Love... Kumbh...Finding your purpose is a lifelong adventure. Enjoy the journey.
Leading from the Gut: 3 Power Principles of Effective LeadersFortune does favor the bold and you'll never know what you're capable of if you don't try.
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to LeadServant Leadership is an oxymoron. All true Leadership is servanthood.
Leading from the Gut: 3 Power Principles of Effective Leaders