An escalating, violent tit-for-tat may lead to terrorism.
Sometimes the bridge that leads to heaven is the very hell itself!
Learn to lose your destiny to find where it leads you
While at college, I did my first lead on a network TV show, Medic.
An artist's work never leads anywhere except to the unknown.
The Tories win elections when they lead on economic competence.
Whether it's being a leading man, making TV shows, being with my family, I've learned a lot.
If I had no family, my wife and I would lead a much more romantic and nomadic existence.
Managers are important: they are leading the company and guiding and have to provide vision and manage the daily business.
The courage of the poet is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness.
We must overcome the notion that we must be regular... it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.
The inability of those in power to still the voices of their own consciences is the great force leading to change.
We remained in Texas leading a quiet home life until 1889.
But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?
Why shouldn't a child look to want to be a political figure, to change our nation, to lead us the right directions?
Should those whose actions lead to the death or injury of a child get a free pass?
The death tax is one of the leading causes of the dissolution of small businesses.
The idea that education will lead to a lessening of bigotry is just factually incorrect.
A knowledgeable and courageous U.S. president could help enormously in leading the world's nations toward saving the climate.
I guess I've never really had a great desire to be a leading lady, or be seen as an ingenue.
Always in life bad times will lead to great times.