Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.
[Guran is coming in to bat] British Team Member: Coming from the jungle? [men laughing] British Team Member 2: Make way! [men laughing] British Team Member: Don't get too close, Smithy! [men laughing] British Team Member 2: What on Earth is he doing?...
If you skip one class, everyone knows about it. The teacher will track you down, or one of the guidance counselors will track you down and ask if you're smoking pot. According to the geniuses running this place, the only reason you would skip class i...
Humans are animals and like all animals we leave tracks as we walk: signs of passage made in snow, sand, mud, grass, dew, earth or moss.... We easily forget that we are track-markers, through, because most of our journeys now occur on asphalt and con...
When men speak of the future, the gods laugh.
People show their character by what they laugh at.
They are not all friends who laugh with you.
A man laughs at others and weeps for himself.
Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.
Stand-up is successful if they laugh. It's unsuccessful if they don't laugh.
Catharsis isn't art. You can't rely on catharsis to get a laugh. Because guess what? People do laugh when something's shocking, but that is, to me, the absolute fakest of laughs. That's not something that sustains a television series, or a movie, or ...
Sometimes to be a good parent... You have to laugh when you want to be angry. You have to be angry when you want to laugh. And that is why good parenting is tough.
His eyes widened just a bit, his lips flexed. I realized he was trying not to laugh. I hate it when people find my threats amusing.
The Four Levels of Comedy: Make your friends laugh, Make strangers laugh, Get paid to make strangers laugh, and Make people talk like you because it's so much fun.
If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better, which makes you more open to my ideas. And if I can persuade you to laugh at the particular point I make, by laughing at it you acknowledge its truth.
[as arrows rain down on the Spartans, Astinos begins laughing hysterically] Stelios: What the hell are you laughing at? Astinos: Well, you had to say it! Stelios: What? Astinos: "Fight in the shade"! [both laugh]
My version of lip-synching is singing full-out with the track.
Silverstone is challenging, but it has a good feel. It's one of the quickest tracks of the year, with legendary corners like the Magotts, Becketts, Chapel complex.
The harder I train every day on the track and in the gym, the more trust I gain in myself.
Eddie Valiant: You crazy rabbit! I'm out there risking my neck for you, and what are you doing? Singing and dancing! Roger Rabbit: But I'm a toon. Toons are supposed to make people laugh. Eddie Valiant: Sit down! Roger Rabbit: You don't understand. T...
When he laughed in his throat, the butterfly laughed at me too. It's obscene fluttering corrupted me into darkness.