If Americans simply choose to vote for the person who has a D or an R by their name, we will get what we deserve, which is what we have now.
If we are to put an end to division, people from all political persuasions will have to stop fighting one another and seek true unity, not just a consensus that benefits one party.
When someone is being particularly mean and nasty, I simply think to myself, he or she used to be a cute little baby, I wonder what happened?
When I first discovered in the early 1980s the Italian espresso bars in my trip to Italy, the vision was to re-create that for America - a third place that had not existed before. Starbucks re-created that in America in our own image; a place to go o...
When I was leaving Yemen to come to America, things were tough. My dad had just been laid off, and it was a challenge. When I lived in Yemen, I thought America was a perfect place. Everything was bigger and better. I dreamed big. The American dream, ...
You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to wa...
Peggy Carter: Steve. You're alive. You came back. Steve Rogers: Yeah, Peggy. Peggy Carter: It's been so long. So long. Steve Rogers: Well, I couldn't leave my best girl. Not when she owes me a dance.
[from trailer] Alexander Pierce: Are you ready for the world to see you as you really are? Look out the window, you know how the game works: disorder, war, all it takes is one step. Steve Rogers: I thought the punishment usually came AFTER the crime.
Alexander Pierce: Let me ask you a question. What if Pakistan marched into Mumbai tomorrow, and you knew they were going to drag your daughter into a soccer stadium for execution, and you could stop it with a flick of a switch... wouldn't you? Counci...
In America, everyone's always hiding their age.
And freedom is what America means to the world.
God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.
I'm not an icon. Not even in America.
America has a relationship with Bobby and Whitney.
White America is in the minority.
Power in America today is control of the means of communication.
China will soon emit more greenhouse gases than America, but its regime knows if it caps aspirations there will be a revolution.
America is good enough for us.
What's appropriate in America anymore?
My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel.
I'm ready for a different America.