America's great newspapers have staffs that range from 50 percent to 70 percent of what they were just a few years ago.
I very, very much want to be involved in helping those senators, congressmen, and women who support the principles that made America great.
We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. Allah willing, and nothing is too great for Allah.
Racism may be as systemic as it always was. It is the great problem of America. It's the one stumbling block that I don't believe was ever smoothed over.
I have only one yardstick by which I test every major problem - and that yardstick is: Is it good for America?
I think America becomes more disgruntled by going to the movies and having an endlessly good time at them.
Well, dissent is the tradition in America, and I've been on the side of dissent a good bit of my career, particularly in the last many years of the Republican Congress.
America is always a good target for a populist. In many countries, particularly authoritarian systems, if you want to get an extra bonus, you bash the Americans.
America, thou half-brother of the world; with something good and bad of every land.
America's finest - our men and women in uniform, are a force for good throughout the world, and that is nothing to apologize for.
Every year, thousands of Californians flee that populous paradise for tax-eased small government oasis of America's red states.
The Republican Party is not in the hands of the Jewish lobby in America as the Democratic Party must look quite often to Jewish money to finance candidates.
People instantly assume you can't have a platonic friendship with someone of the opposite sex. I think this may be specific to L.A. - or America.
We live, in North America in general, if I'm given the indulgence of selling us down the river, in a culture of fear of this connective sense of spirit.
There had to be a hysteria and a fear sent through America in order to get increased war budgets.
I'm convinced many of America's heroes are public school teachers and administrators. Many of these people do what they do because of their faith.
The Pledge of Allegiance reflects the truth that faith in God has played a significant role in America since the days of the founding of our country.
Head Start's ability to improve the educational skills and opportunities of Latino children will be an important component of America's future success.
Do you know anything that in all its innocence is more humiliating than the funny pages of a Sunday newspaper in America?
And there's a visceral fun in watching Team America and making it, like taking a puppet and throwing it against the wall. Because it's not CG, there's something funny about it.
God did not burden the United States with a diversity of backgrounds, ideas and religions, He blessed America with them.