I like to wake up late, around 11 A.M., especially if I have been out the night before. Then I go to brunch with either my friends or my girlfriend. I then like to just chill out: read the papers, read some scripts and then take it very easy. If it's...
I'm normally late, so I just kind of throw on the sort of thing that's at hand. And then I'll go through phases of wearing the same thing again and again and again - and my wardrobe is mainly about black and white, so it goes together. I'll play with...
I had been writing for the 'Late Show' for about four years when I started writing short stories. I had a blast writing the stories because I was writing in a voice more my own, as opposed to a man's. HBO ended up buying four of them. I think that ha...
You can't reinvent the wheel. I remember when we first started out at 'Late Night,' we were trying to hire directors, and this guy was like, 'I see you behind a glass desk.' I don't. And he's like, 'Yeah, the glass desk.' I go, 'I don't really see me...
Yeah I grew up in the public eye. I became a man in the public eye, which is kind of a bizarre thing to come to terms with. Now I'm in my late 20s and I was in my early 20s when I became recognizable. But I think 'Moneyball' represents a very strong ...
I prefer the night to the day and always stay up very late. Darkness is more peaceful, and I don't like sunshine - it hurts my eyes. When I used to live in more communal circumstances, I had to wait until everyone had gone to bed before I had the pea...
I don't gamble anymore since I had a kid. I have fun in Vegas. I see shows, Cirque du Soleil. Don Rickles was in town last time I was there. I'll have lunch with George Wallace. I just look in the Weekly calendar and see who's performing, and inevita...
Randal Graves: Some guy just came in refusing to pay late fees. Said the video store was closed for two hours yesterday. So, I tore up his membership. Dante Hicks: Shocking abuse of authority. Randal Graves: Hey, I'm a firm believer in the philosophy...
Grange: So that, I take it, was the late, great Eric Draven. Myca: [studying the crow's feather] He has power. But it is power you can take from him. Top Dollar: I like him already. Myca: The crow is his link between the land of the living, and the r...
[Two soldiers are bothering Sophie] Howl: There you are sweetheart, sorry I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you. Soldier: Hey, hey! We're busy here! Howl: Are you really? To me, it looked like the two of you were just leaving. [gestures with his...
Joe: What do you think would happen if I got him a professional... you know... Bill: A professional? Joe: Hooker. You know, the kind that can teach things... first-timers, you know... break him in. Bill: But Joe, he's 11. Joe: You're right, you're ri...
[Bob sneaks into the house late at night, but Helen has been waiting up for him] Helen: I thought you'd be back by 11. Bob: I said I'd be back later. Helen: I assumed you'd be back later. If you came back at all, you'd be "back later". Bob: Well I'm ...
Theoden: [upon being exorcised] Gandalf... Gandalf: Breathe the free air again, my friend. Theoden: [stands up from the throne] Dark have been my dreams of late. [looks at his hands] Gandalf: Your fingers would remember their old strength better... i...
Jody: Lance! The goddamn phone's ringing! Lance: [getting up to answer the phone] I can hear it. Jody: I thought you told those fucking assholes never to call here this late! Lance: Yeah, I told them. And that is exactly what I'm going to tell this f...
[talking about Marion's late father] Marion: He said you were a bum. Indiana: Aw, he's being generous. Marion: The most gifted bum he ever trained. You know, he loved you like a son... took a hell of a lot for you to alienate him. Indiana: Not much.....
Chow Mo Wan: Love is all a matter of timing. Chow Mo Wan: It's no good meeting the right person too soon or too late. Chow Mo Wan: If I'd lived in another time or place... Chow Mo Wan: ...my story might have had a very different ending.
[last lines] Jake Sully: Well, uh, I guess this is my last video log. Whatever happens tonight, either way, I'm not gonna be comin' back to this place. Well, I guess I better go. I don't wanna be late for my own party. It's my birthday, after all. Th...
[eleventh title card] Title Card: In late August, America's elite soldiers, Delta Force, Army Rangers and the 160th SOAR are sent to Mogadishu to remove Aidid and restore order. [twelfth title card] Title Card: The mission was to take three weeks, bu...
But Marisa already knew the answer and it was too late for recrimination. The chance of even a rational discussion of the problem was forever shut out of Mama’s brain. A brutal bastard was steadily sucking the intelligence and the very life from th...
I went to Brown to be a French professor, and I didn't know what I was doing except that I loved French. When I got to Paris and I could speak French, I know how much it helped me to establish relationships with Karl Lagerfeld, with the late Yves St....
It's one of these juvenile therapy scams,” he went on, sprinkling a pinch of the Golden Virginia tobacco along the rolling paper. “They advertise help for your troubled teen by staring at the stars and singing ‘Kumbaya’. Instead, it’s a bun...