Young things like you don't need any ornaments but those you wear to-night: youth, health, intelligence, and modesty.
The post-war American newsroom resembled a vast factory churning out multiple editions through the night. Reporters spent days, sometimes weeks, on a single story.
Let craft, ambition, spite, Be quenched in Reason's night, Till weakness turn to might, Till what is dark be light, Till what is wrong be right!
Fun? “Katrina, I didn’t request to be set up on a date. I can’t go meet a complete stranger and….” he scanned the email again. “…and spend the night with her?
Nobody ever worked as hard as my father. My father averaged maybe four hours of sleep at night, and when you're a kid, you don't realize that. The man was tired. He was tired.
Vampires were always able to transform into creatures of the night. The dark creatures like bats have always been associated with vampires and using the darkness to their own advantage.
she has craters but only a fool can deny her beauty. She silently stare sun whole night & reflects his light his love with stars at times.
It is too soon to tell, but old, tired 'Survivor' last night beat 'X Factor.' We're really proud of that. We're anticipating a very strong season for CBS.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm still scared of the dark. I have to have a light on all night. It's completely irrational, and my son is the same. I just hate the dark.
For my kids, I cook everything. We have dinner every night, pretty much, just the four of us: my husband and me and our two kids.
Black people lived right by the railroad tracks, and the train would shake their houses at night. I would hear it as a boy, and I thought: I'm gonna make a song that sounds like that.
'Antiques Roadshow' is my favorite show. Every Monday night I have one hour of appointment television. I get the popcorn out and tell my husband, 'Don't bother me.'
Come to me in my dreams, and then By day I shall be well again. For then the night will more than pay The hopeless longing of the day.
Every morning and every night, I pause for just a minute and express my gratitude for all that I have in my life and all that I have experienced.
I'm unable to do the thing that Broadway actors do in plays, sometimes for years. The same exact blocking, the same exact lines. I'm a little bit uncomfortable with that. Every night I'm looking for ways to try something else.
Once in 1919, when I was traveling at night by train, I wrote a short story. In the town where the train stopped, I took the story to the publisher of the newspaper who published the story.
So I'm trying to spread myself to the point to where I can do the night shows and not have to worry about the matinees, and do one or two matinees down through the year.
Spring had been the season for dying in the old days. Invalids who had struggled through the dark comfort of winter took fright as the night receded.
Dr. Loveless: Dang these pine needles. Why can't a forest be decently carpeted? Wild Wild West (TV) Second Season: Night of the Green Terror
T. Wiggett Jones: It should be feel this rotten...without a variety of loathsome memories to cherish. Wild Wild West (TV) First Season: Night of the Grand Emir
When I read the script sometimes, it's like 'Christ! Enough!' I can't sleep at night sometimes. There's the occasional script that just hammers you, that you can't shower off.