Love crosses the sky \ on a peculiar disturbing night.
Prayer: the key of the day and the lock of the night.
New York feels vibrant... It feels electric to walk the streets at night.
My makeup is usually left over from the night before.
I don't like paying taxes, but I like sleeping at night.
Night never judges, but morning never forgives...
Nights are rebellious, they only demand the truth
A calm night is open to all the truths.
I can't sleep the first night in a hotel room.
After every sunny day, comes a stormy night
It is difficult to go on the next night after you receive a sandbagging.
The British 'A Night to Remember' is so beautifully done and so well-constructed.
My honeymoon night was spent on the floor in the bathroom with my mother.
It's kind of like Silence of the lambs meets Boogey Nights.
That profound night freedom was agreeable and exciting.
Our families should gather for family prayer morning and night.
They saw me, those reckless seekers of beauty, and in a night I was famous.
There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.
Some nights, I was so good that I could have become an egotist.
By night an atheist half believes in a God.
Football ruled my life for years, morning, noon and night.