I had no idea what it took to be an actor. Then all of a sudden I found myself cast in a TV drama. The director was very harsh with me. One time, he told me this would be my first and last acting job. I seriously thought that acting was not the right...
When was the last time someone told you 'Look at the bright side of things' when you were depressed, and you actually paid attention to them? Maybe some people do, but I sure as hell don't.
I used to get the girl; now I get the part. In 'The Quiet American' you may have noticed I got the part and the girl. It's a milestone for me, because it's the last time I'm going to get the girl.
With some artists, I've noticed that after their songs have been licensed, on their next album you can totally hear they're trying to write a song for 'Grey's Anatomy' and it doesn't work. It's just one of those things that has to feel genuine to las...
I get quite lazy about cooking because when I come back from work it is the last thing I want to do, really is spend loads of time cooking.
In 2008, I just decided that there will come a time when I am dead and gone, and I only have a body of work to show. That was when I did films like 'Last Lear' and Deepa Mehta's 'Heaven On Earth.' They were serious roles.
I have talked to Debbie Hammond quite a bit, Jim Hammond's wife, his widow. I've seen their kids. And last time we played Dallas, a lot of them came over. It's hard for them to come see the show. It's still hard.
I think that one of the motivating factors was in my last year of law school: we had a competition, and I won the competition; it was judged by several of the federal judges at the time. I got a tremendous amount of encouragement to pursue litigation...
Actually, to be honest, this is a useful time to not be knowing what I'll be doing in 2013 or 2014, because really, for the last however many years, I've known what I've been doing for years and years ahead. You get into a cycle of non-reflection, an...
We needed time off from each other after our last tour because there was a lot of personal stuff we had to take care of. Eddie needed hip replacement surgery. Al needed his back worked on. And I was going to have a baby.
We think we've got it taken care of now. Multiplayer is something that's hard to do in a turn-based game, especially a turn-based game that lasts a long time, like Civilization.
Every time that I write a novel I am convinced for at least two years that it is the last one, because a novel is like a child. It takes two years after its birth. You have to take care of it. It starts walking, and then speaking.
I don't buy trends, because the pieces don't last and I wind up never wearing them. That's why I like to shop with my children; they'll always tell me the truth.
[last lines] Coraline Jones: Welcome, Miss Lovat! Wybie's Grandmother: Oh, hello. Coraline Jones: I'm Coraline Jones. I've got so much to tell you.
Yvonne: Where were you last night? Rick: That's so long ago, I don't remember. Yvonne: Will I see you tonight? Rick: I never make plans that far ahead.
[last lines] Céline: Bauby, 43, a renowned journalist, family man and free spirit, was planning a book about female revenge.
[last lines] [Peter and Francine are flying off of the mall rooftop] Peter: How much fuel do we have? Francine Parker: Not much. Peter: All right.
C.A. Swan: Well that's the first and last reunion I ever went to. What a murderous thug I look. Tony Wendice: Yes, you do, rather.
[last lines] Merrick's Mother: Never. Oh, never. Nothing will die. The stream flows, the wind blows, the cloud fleets, the heart beats. Nothing will die.
Sergeant Prendergast: Lucky you caught me. Motorcycle Cop: I am? Sergeant Prendergast: Yeah. Today's my last day as a cop. Motorcycle Cop: Lucky me.
Ray Kinsella: [about the reclusive Terence Mann] OK, the last interview he ever gave was in 1973. Guess what it's about. Annie Kinsella: Some kind of team sport.