Peace requires the provision of a platform for discussion and the exchange of information on matters and activities relevant to the prevention of armed violence.
Another Christmas Poem Blood Christmas, here again. Let us raise a loving cup: Peace on earth, goodwill to men, And make them do the washing-up.
It was a beautiful, clear Southern California kind of Christmas Eve, the kind where Santa shows up in khaki shorts and a Hawaiian shirt and shades, flashing a peace sign with one hand and sipping a Corona with the other.
In our own day He has said, "The whole world lieth in sin, and groaneth under darkness and under the bondage of sin." by and large the modern world has not come unto Him, has not accepted the atonement of Jesus Christ, has not received the voice of H...
My 'morals' were sound, even a bit puritanic, but when a hidebound old deacon inveighed against dancing I rebelled. By the time of graduation I was still a 'believer' in orthodox religion, but had strong questions which were encouraged at Harvard. In...
We have to face it at last. We're not all human.
Sparks are warm while they last.
Here my last love had died.
Old age: the crown of life, our play's last act.
People do not connect with what happened last week, let alone what happened 20 years ago.
Most bands don't even last fourteen months let alone fourteen years.
The best thing about art is that it is the one luxury in life that can be enjoyed by everyone. And it lasts forever.
Doomed to Hell. Every last one of you.
Metal rusts, music lasts forever.
I'm still alive. And I'm still fabulous.
Behaviours and feelings rarely line up.
También le he visto a usted. Ozzera. Crispin. ¿Verdad? Christian-corrigió Lissa
I’m the last one to pick, but the first one to choose.
Candy is childhood, the best and bright moments you wish could have lasted forever.
The best preparation for the future is the present well seen to, and the last duty done.
I played the best role I've ever seen on TV or film in the last five years. It was hugely gratifying.