One time my mom tried to ground me, but that lasted 15 minutes.
Take this marriage thing seriously - it has to last all the way to the divorce.
Parker: [last line, to Lambert] *Get out of the room!*
[last lines] Kurtz: [voiceover] The horror... the horror...
[last lines] Major Clipton: Madness! Madness!
I was in Kashmir last weekend. Went to visit one of my sweaters.
I did an episode of The Profiler. I actually worked on the last episode of Murphy Brown.
No one ever does the last thing on their list.
If nothing lasts forever, then I am forever nothing.
Forgive is the last best thing i can do.
I don't tell many people my last name.
I've had quarter horses for the last 18 years.
I mean, the last thing I want to do is be involved in politics.
I've had this reoccurring dream for the last ten to fifteen years.
You will be my first, will definitively be my last, perpetually my everything.
Youth is the last ride with fun, but the first one with responsability.
Don't worry about your heart, it will last you as long as you live.
We shall fight to the last to free our Motherland.
I think a composer is always interested in his last work.
The hardest part of acting is not being guaranteed work. Every job could be your last.
In the 1980s America reacted to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. We supported a war that left a nation torn to pieces. And as the last Soviet tank left the country, so did we.