If you're an actor, you have to find a way to make peace with all the media attention.
I can't believe I did a peace sign on TV - like Ringo Starr!
I am a peace supporting Jew.
Every night, whisper 'peace' in your husband's ear.
Another essential to a universal and durable peace is social justice.
I am convinced that nobody should be afraid of peace.
We make war that we may live in peace.
For me, peace should provide security to the Jewish people.
Don't tell me peace has broken out.
They may call me a sinner, but I am at peace with myself.
Even peace may be purchased at too high a price.
Peace is purchased from strength. It's not purchased from weakness or unilateral retreats.
Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.
We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it.
Loud peace propaganda makes war seem imminent.
Work, look for peace and calm in work: you will find it nowhere else.
I don't think I've ever felt that same kind of peace, the kind of serenity that I felt after acknowledging that maybe I was going to die of this TB.
I value peace when it is not bought at the price of fundamental decencies.
Let me just say: Peace to you, if you're willing to fight for it.
If we have not peace within ourselves, it is in vain to seek it from outward sources.
Making peace, I have found, is much harder than making war.