As a working mother, the last thing you need is to be hard on yourself. As a stay-at-home mother, the last thing you need is to be hard on yourself. As a twenty something with no job prospects or life partner in sight, the last thing you need is to b...
I've been trying to fit everything in, trying to get to the end before it's too late, but I see now how badly I've deceived myself. Words do not allow such things. The closer you come to the end, the more there is to say. The end is only imaginary, a...
Sarah, though, was still sometimes ruled by stark pain, lost to everything else. Grief slipped away, only to attack from behind. It changed shape endlessly. It lacerated her, numbed her, stalked her, startled her, caught her by the throat. It deceive...
In the beginning of the eighteenth century, made the first serious attempt to apply the doctrine [ ] to the living world. In the latter part of it, , , and took up the work more vigorously and with better qualifications. The question of special creat...
I have lived recklessly, gambled my income away at the horse races, gone whoring, have been more drunk than sober, beaten men to a pulp with my hands, have had a man’s nose cut off for insulting my father and have been indebted to villains more tim...
Tanith frowned. Did people still go on DATES any more? She was sure they did. They probably called it something different though. She tried to think of the last date she'd been on. The last PROPER date. Did fighting side by side with Saracen Rue coun...
[last lines] Michael Sullivan, Jr.: I saw then that my father's only fear was that his son would follow the same road. And that was the last time I ever held a gun. People always thought I grew up on a farm. And I guess, in a way, I did. But I lived ...
George: [last lines; voiceover] A few times in my life I've had moments of absolute clarity, when for a few brief seconds the silence drowns out the noise and I can feel rather than think, and things seem so sharp. And the world seems so fresh as tho...
Mickey: I'll bet you for it. Tommy: You'll what? Pikeys: HE'LL BET YOU FOR IT! Turkish: What, like Tommy did last time? Do me a favour? Mickey: I'll do you a favour. You have first bet. If I win, I get a caravan... and the boys get a pair of them sho...
I flip through the book, one of his top three, without question, to the last horrifying chapter: ‘A Stronger Loving World'. To the only panel he's circled. Oscar-who never defaced a book in his life-circled one panel three times in the same emphati...
Be first in the field, the last to the couch.
Stones decay; words last.
There are no birds in last year's nest.
A woman is the last judgement of the man.
Luck that lasts is always suspect.
Let the cobbler stick to his last.
In its quest to discover how the patterns of reality are organised, the story of modern science hints at a picture of a set of Chinese puzzle boxes, each one more intricately structured and wondrous than the last. Every time the final box appears to ...
[last lines] [Nobody has put wounded William Blake in a canoe, and is about to push him out to sea] William Blake: Hello. Nobody: I prepared your canoe with cedarboughs. It's time for you to leave now, William Blake. Time for you to go back where you...
[last lines] Simon Graham: [narrating] And so the days of the Samurai had ended. Nations, like men, it is sometimes said, have their own destiny. As for the American Captain, no one knows what became of him. Some say that he died of his wounds. Other...
Love lasts as long as does the reproach.
Fortune and flowers do not last forever.