Dracula: You will, I trust, excuse me if I do not join you. But, I have already dined, and I never drink... wine. Jonathan Harker: [looks at painting on the wall] An ancestor? I see a resemblance. Dracula: The Order of the Dracul, the Dragon. An anci...
Todd Anderson: [last lines] Todd Anderson: [stands up on his desk] O Captain! My Captain! Nolan: Sit down, Mr. Anderson! Do you hear me? Sit down! Sit down! This is your final warning, Anderson. How dare you? Do you hear me? Knox: [climbs up onto his...
Ace Speck: [as Dr. Schultz questions Django] Hey! Stop talking to him like that. Dr. King Schultz: [looks to Ace] Like what? Ace Speck: Like that. Dr. King Schultz: My dear sir, I am simply trying to ascertain... Ace Speck: Speak English, goddamn it....
Rita Vrataski: [after Bill gets hit during training] You all right, Cage? Lt. Col. Bill Cage: I think I broke something... Rita Vrataski: What? Lt. Col. Bill Cage: My back. The only thing I can feel are my lips. Rita Vrataski: Now listen carefully. T...
[Korben is arguing with his mother on the phone] Korben's Mother: Oh, I get it. You wanna make make your only mother to beg. Is that it? Korben Dallas: No, I don't wanna make you beg. All I want is an explanation. Look, I just got in. I just smashed ...
Blake: What's the problem, pal? Dave Moss: You - [correcting him] Dave Moss: Moss. You're such a hero, you're so rich, how come you're coming down here wasting your time with such a bunch of bums? Blake: You see this watch? You see this watch? Dave M...
Kim: Now, what did you say after the last time? Zoe Bell: Look, I know what I said... Kim: What did you say? Zoe Bell: I know I said we shouldn't do this again... Kim: No! You didn't say we shouldn't, you said we ain't ever gonna do that again. Zoe B...
[Last lines] Sam: What are you doing? Andrew Largeman: Remember that idea I had, about working stuff out on my own, and then finding you once I worked stuff out? Sam: The ellipsis? Andrew Largeman: Yeah, the ellipsis, it's dumb. It's dumb. It's an aw...
Barber Martin: There. You finally look like a human being again. You shouldn't wait so long between hair cuts, you cheap son of a bitch. Walt Kowalski: Yeah. I'm surprised you're still around. I was always hoping you'd die off and they got someone in...
Lord Voldemort: [as Harry, Ron and Hermione stand in the boathouse, Voldemort's voice echoes throughout the castle grounds] You have fought valiantly, but in vain. [Shot of a female Death Eater disarming George Weasley] Lord Voldemort: I do not wish ...
Hermione: Victor's gone to get drinks. Would you care to join us? Ron: No, we would not care to join you and *Victor*. Hermione: What's got your wand in a knot? Ron: He's from Durmstrang! You're fraternizing with the enemy! Hermione: The enemy? Who w...
Harry Potter: How come you're not at the feast? Luna Lovegood: I've lost all my possessions. Apparently people have been hiding them. Harry Potter: That's awful! Luna Lovegood: Oh, it's all good fun. But as this is the last night, I really do need th...
Sirius Black: We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again. [everyone turns to look at Sirius] Sirius Black: Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command, not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He has been recr...
Bridget von Hammersmark: There have been two recent developments regarding Operation Kino. One, the venue has been changed from the Ritz to a much smaller venue. Lt. Aldo Raine: Enormous changes at the last minute? That's not very Germatic. Why the h...
[last lines] Indiana Jones: Anything can happen. It's a long way to Delhi. Willie: No, thanks. No more adventures with you, Dr. Jones. Indiana Jones: Sweetheart, after all the fun we've had together? Willie: If you think I'm going to Delhi with you, ...
[last lines] Tony Stark: There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and the rooftop... Christine Everheart: I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but do you honestly expect us to believe that that was a bodyguard in a sui...
[after Mann breaks Cooper's helmet and leaves him for dead] Dr. Mann: I'm sorry. I can't watch you go through this. I'm sorry. I thought I could, but I can't. I'm here. I'm here for you. Just listen to my voice, Cooper. I'm right here. You're not alo...
Bill: I'm a bouncer in a titty bar, Bill. If she wants to fight me, all she gotta do is come down to the Club, start some shit, and we'll be in a fight. Bill: I know we haven't spoken in some time. And the last time we spoke wasn't the most pleasant....
Rupert Pupkin: [arguing with Masha] What about things that I did for you that no money can buy, no money can buy? What about the time I gave you my spot! You came over there, I gave you my spot! You stood there and I let you get right next to Jerry. ...
Merlin: As some of you will have learned last night, teamwork is paramount here at Kingsman. We're here to enhance your skills and test you to the limit. Which is why you're gonna pick a puppy. Wherever you go, your dog goes. You will care for it. Yo...
Old Lodge Skins: Come out and fight! It is a good day to die! Thank You for making me a Human Being! Thank You for helpin' me to become a warrior! Thank You for my victories, and for my defeats! Thank You for my vision, and the blindness in which I s...