Je me souviens de mon effroi devant un premier baiser. Et si l'autre me mangeait la langue? C'est d'abord mon meilleur morceau de viande que je lui confie aveuglément.
El hombre de cabeza clara mira de frente la vida, se hace cargo de que todo en ella es problemático y se siente perdido. Como vivir es sentirse perdido, el que lo acepta ya ha empezado a encontrarse.
Per Sherlock Holmes ella è sempre la donna. Raramente l’ho sentito accennare a lei in altro modo. Ai suoi occhi, supera e annulla tutte le altre esponenti del suo sesso.
I am convinced that there are genuine and valid levels of perception available with cannabis (and probably with other drugs) which are, through the defects of our society and our educational system, un-available to us without such drugs.
Cómo lucha por escapar. Igual que nosotros, Paul, igual… Creemos que sabemos mucho, pero en realidad no sabemos más que una rata en una trampa, una rata con la espalda rota que aún cree que quiere vivir. -Annie Wilkes
Fiecare nouă tehnologie impune dobândirea unui nou sistem de reflexe, care ne cere noi eforturi, și asta la răstimpuri din ce în ce mai scurte.
Il était seul, et quand la solitude nous préoccupe, on devient capable de faire n'importe quelle bassesse pour s'assurer une compagnie, une oreille et des yeux attentifs. Je parle d'eux, les autres, pas de moi.
If you answer fire with fire, only the fire will be the winner. Si al fuego se le contesta con fuego, sólo el fuego vencerá. #quote
Déjame que investigue las últimas células de tu cuerpo, los últimos rincones de tu alma; déjame que vuele tus secretos, que aclare tus misterios, que realice tus milagros; consérvate, presérvate, angústiate; sufre el amor; espérame...
Eran gentes de vidas lentas, a las cuales no se les veía volverse viejas, ni enfermarse ni morir, sino que iban desvaneciéndose poco a poco en su tiempo, volviéndose recuerdos, brumas de otra época, hasta que los asimilaba el olvido.
The Empire was on the point of turning Paris into the bawdy house of Europe. The gang of fortune-seekers who had succeeded in stealing a throne required a reign of adventures, shady transactions, sold consciences, bought women, and rampant drunkennes...
Sandalias. Al maestro sufi Ghulam-Shah se le preguntó qué patrón utilizaba al formular sus cursos para discípulos. Dijo: “Descalzo hasta que puedas obtener sandalias, sandalias hasta que puedas valerte de botas”.
This was a matter of some small group of guerrillas in some distant caves, a primitive, fanatical, and desperate people who didn't have the resources to intimidate the United States.
Men know the damage a few words can do to girls’ hearts, and, idiots that we are, we swoon away and fall into the trap, excited because at last a man has set one for us
I’d like to have the chance to decide what my life will be like, I think that’s the best present anyone can get. The chance to decide what your life will be like.
With other women he had not been able to touch their flesh without experiencing the desire to devour it, as though ravenous with an abominable hunger to butcher them. But this one, could he then love her, and not kill her?
As if one killed by calculation! A person kills only from an impulse that springs from his blood and sinews, from the vestiges of ancient struggles, from the need to live and the joy of being strong.
Le Poète est semblable au prince des nuées Qui hante la tempête et se rit de l’archer; Exilé sur le sol au milieu des huées, Ses ailes de géant l’empêchent de marcher.
Thanks, Pepe. You've put an extra night into my life. I would have spent it just sleeping like an ox, but I've lived it instead. I'm grateful.
Le Poëte est semblable au prince des nuées Qui hante la tempête et se rit de l'archer; Exilé sur le sol au milieu des huées, Ses ailes de géant l'empêchent de marcher.
Our house has its back to the sea,' writes Hester in her journal. 'Below us, the ocean spreads to the sky, twitching wide and blue and hungry. One would think it to be infinite. But we, of course, know better.