Sid Hudgens: [voiceover] Something has to be done, but nothing too original, because hey, this is Hollywood.
Mômone: I could have been Edith Piaf. There's more to life than songs.
Adriana: I'm from the '20s, and I'm telling you the golden age is la Belle Epoque.
Jake La Motta: I got these small hands. I got a little girl's hands.
The first duty of society is to give each of its members the possibility of fulfilling his destiny. When it becomes incapable of performing this duty it must be transformed.
Europeans say they are proud of their social fabric, of strong rights for workers and the weak in society.
Fame is a dangerous thing. It's what the post-industrial society wants. They want fame and many followers on Twitter. But to really make the world understandable, that challenge is remaining.
I'm Catholic and Mum taught me the comfort that you can get from going to church. But I'm an a la carte Catholic. I love all the pomp and ceremony of it.
I doubt that the Lord cares much which honorable vocation you choose. But He does care if you love one another and serve one another.
La única posibilidad de descubrir los límites de lo posible es aventurarse un poco más allá de ellos, hacia lo imposible.
What is going on in America is extreme. The youth cult, they worship youth so much it's almost paranoid. And LA is the Mecca of it all; they're taking it to the hilt.
I don't like LA. The majority just seem to be so artificial. Look at how they worship everything they think is fashionable. Isn't it sick?
L'avenir réservé à l'Europe, c'est une catastrophe, proportionnée au mal qui en est la cause et dont elle sera le châtiment
La suprema felicità della vita è essere amati per quello che si è, o meglio, essere amati a dispetto di quello che si è.
We almost always have choices, and the better the choice, the more we will be in control of our lives.
The only people who do plays in LA are people who can't get jobs in TV shows.
No se me importa un pito que las mujeres tengan los senos como magnolias o como pasas de higo; un cutis de durazno o de papel de lija. Le doy una importancia igual a cero, al hecho de que amanezcan con un aliento afrodisíaco o con un aliento insecti...
Analiza la cuestión, ¿cómo pretendes que sea un ser agradable si soy un monstruo, o que sea generoso con los demás, si se muestran implacables conmigo? Si tú me arrojases a uno de esos barrancos helados, o me destrozaras con tus manos, ¿verdad ...
Mary Lou et moi, on est amies depuis qu’on est toutes petites. J’étais le boute-en-train de service, et elle, le cancre de la classe. « Cancre » n’est peut-être pas le mot juste. Disons que ses objectifs n’étaient pas très hauts. Elle v...
—¿Te gusta leer? —pregunto señalando el libro que sobresale de ella. No es un libro de texto. Es un libro de verdad, algo que creía desaparecido en esta generación de maníacos de internet. Lo cojo y me siento frente a él. —¿De qué géne...
¿Qué importa el nombre del autor en la portada? Trasladémonos con el pensamiento a tres mil años de aquí. Quién sabe qué libros se habrán salvado de nuestra época, y de quién sabe qué autores se recordará aún el nombre. Habrá libros que...