Bien sûr on a des chagrins d’amour, mais on a surtout des chagrins de soi-même. Finalement la vie n’est qu’une affaire de solitude.
On ne comprends rien à la civilisation moderne, si l'on n'admet pas d'abord qu'elle est une conspiration universelle contre toute espèce de vie intérieure.
We don't build the ruins. Our soul is in hate. (On ne construit des ruines. - Notre âme est dans la haine.)
We don’t look at the sun of truth, but we look at its effects. (Le soleil de la vérité - Ne se regarde, mes ses effets)
You can feel whether an audience is tightened up and pulled back. Of course the opposite is an audience like we've been having in LA, which is fabulous.
La mu’axsa, but I think I’ll just keep sliding down this greased pole to hell?
Nadie debería decir: "Yo puedo confiar" o "Yo no puedo confiar" hasta que sea dueño de la opción de confiar o no confiar.
Cuanto más despierto está un hombre ante las cosas que lo rodean, más dormido está; y su despertar es peor que su sueño.
I had a meeting in LA in which they took a really overstuffed hour and a half. It was as close to old Hollywood as I remembered it in the last 20 years.
Dying is something we human beings do continuously, not just at the end of our physical lives on this earth.
I only believe in what I see and hear with my own eyes and ears.
One of the ultimate challenges for biology is to understand the brain's processing of unconscious and conscious perception, emotion, and empathy.
Long-term memory involves enduring changes that result from the growth of new synaptic connections.
Vivre est une maladie, dont le sommeil nous soulage toutes les seize heures ; c’est un palliatif : la mort est le remède.
Nunca había pensado que pudiera temblar de aquel modo ante su presencia, que perdiera así la voz y hasta el movimiento al verle".
Schizofrenia pana la ultima ei limita, refuzul total al oricarei realitati decat cea a visului, al oricarui adevar decat al viziunii.
I think people enjoyed LA Law so much, because it was the first show that delved into current events through the prism of the law.
Hoy en día, es tal la indiferencia en algunas personas hacia su prójimo que inclusive amar "verdaderamente" es un acto de valentía.
When I was about seven, I started touring the globe as part of New York's La MaMa theater company - without my parents!
The original lists were probably carved in stone and represented longer periods of time. They contained things like 'Get More Clay. Make Better Oven.'
Captain Dudley Smith: [interrogation at the Victory Motel] Reciprocity, Mr. Hudgens, is the key to every relationship.