Dans la rue de rien personne
—¿Siebenbürgen? —preguntó —¿Qué clase de maldito nombre es ése? (Nicholas Dean)
Llevamos el circo en la sangre.
La vida es un opio del que no se cansa uno nunca.
La paranoia perfetta è perfetta consapevolezza.
La vita era ciò che uno ne faceva
... aveva passato tutta la sua vita a ripulire caos e disordine
Le spectacle est la reconstruction matérielle de l'illusion religieuse.
Even at Westchester High in West LA, I was class clown.
I've longed for kids since I was very, very young.
La Paz, Bolivia, is the most extraordinary city.
La heradera del dia destruida. (The heiress of the destroyed day.)
Cadets can neither be treated as schoolboys or soldiers.
In January '77 I went out to LA and have been here 26 years.
But no, I'm still living in LA and haven't dropped off the face of the earth.
Creo que todos soñamos. ¿Cómo, si no, conseguir a veces que la vida resulte soportable?
The Russians are a very sentimental people.
La mia anima viene da mondi migliori ed ho un'inguaribile nostalgia delle stelle.
You cannot expect soldiers to change people's minds. That has to be done in other ways.
We will make La Perla a great international brand for beauty and feminine luxury.
It is wonderful to see how happy all my friends in the LA Philharmonic are in their new home.