New York este un oraș înfricoșător. Milioane de oameni se luptă bărbătește pentru viața lor. E un oraș cu prea mulți bani. Prea mulți la unii și prea puțini la alții. Și lucrul acesta aruncă o lumină tragică peste tot ce se petrece...
I have to say, I grew up with fashion because my mother was a seamstress, and she had an atelier. She would cut the first pattern, and then she had people working for her. So I grew up in an atelier, watching people all around me sewing. I was fascin...
La massa è sempre una sorta di fortezza assediata, ma assediata in senso duplice: essa ha il nemico dinnanzi alle mura, e ha il nemico in cantina. Durante lo scontro la massa attira sempre più persone. Dinnanzi a tutte le porte si adunano i suoi nu...
cela fait si longtemps que ça dure que j'ai cessé de me demander si c'est dans la haine ou dans l'amour que nous trouvons la force de continuer cette vie mensongère, que nous puisons l'énergie formidable qui nous permet encore de souffrir, et d'e...
Japanese players do not like being thrown into an arena in which they are given very little instruction. You can head in any direction, 360 degrees. They say, 'What am I supposed to do? Give me hints. Provide me service instead of just throwing me in...
My daughter Gabby very kindly once said that she thinks I was a better mother because I was doing a job I loved. I now think guilt is a universal part of being a mother. I used to think it was Jewish-mother guilt but now I think it is working-mother ...
In running, I know that I can train as much as I want and I'm never going to break the world record for the five miles. It's partly genetics; I'm just not built for it. But if I worked really hard, I might be able to cut my time by half. Could I do t...
Vincent: Lady Macbeth. Leave the seats. The light's green. We're sitting here. Max: [a car horn honks behind Max. The car whips around them to get through the intersection] Asshole! Vincent: You no longer have the cleanest cab in La-La Land. You gott...
Miner's Wife: Are you two looking for work? Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: No, we aren't looking for work. Miner's Wife: No?... Then why are you traveling? Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: We travel just to travel. Miner's Wife: Bless you... Blessed be you...
Leper from San Pablo: Why did you want to be a doctor? Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: I wanted to be useful, somehow. Leper from San Pablo: You're wasting your time. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Why? Leper from San Pablo: Life is pain.
I can see my work as a job. I do it for money. I likely already look forward to the weekend on Thursdays. And I probably will need a hobby as a leveling mechanism. In a career, I'm definitely more engaged. But at the same time, there will be periods ...
Enuncia algunos textos muy contundentes. Son textos en los cuales la destreza literaria casi infinita que tenía Sartre se pone al servicio de la contundencia conceptual. Y cuando se logra esto a un pensador se lo entiende y se lo recibe en plenitud.
There are any number of very hard working people in Hollywood who deserve recognition. Mostly its the artisans and crafts persons - the 'below the line' workers - whose only reward is to be pejoratively labeled 'below the line' workers. I say get the...
I don't gamble anymore since I had a kid. I have fun in Vegas. I see shows, Cirque du Soleil. Don Rickles was in town last time I was there. I'll have lunch with George Wallace. I just look in the Weekly calendar and see who's performing, and inevita...
Officer Franklin: I see guys like you in here every fuckin' day. Officer Garden: Every fuckin' day! Officer Franklin: Yeah let's all go to Vegas and get really fucked up! Officer Garden: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Officer Franklin: Let's go steal a cop car be...
Todos los hombres pasan por estas dificultades. Para el hombre medio es éste el punto en que las exigencias de su propia vida entran en colisión dramática con las circunstancias, el punto en que tiene que luchar más duramente por alcanzar el cami...
—No me gustas, Park —repitió Eleanor en un tono que, por un instante, sonó como si hablara en serio—. Yo... —su voz casi se esfumó— creo que vivo por ti. Park cerró los ojos y dejó caer la cabeza contra la almohada. —Ni siquiera pued...
Sessanta donne crocifisse!” Che uomo stupido, privo di tatto! La Cristianità rabbrividirà con orrore alla notizia. “Profanazione del simbolo sacro.” Questo è quanto griderà la Cristianità. Sì, la Cristianità si agiterà. Può sentirmi ac...
Cerré los ojos como me dijo y lentamente me giró hacia él. Puso sus manos en mi cara y me acercó a la suya, por alguna razón no podía reaccionar y me estaba dejando llevar. Inconscientemente puse mis manos en su pecho y al sentirlo tan firme y ...
- "Les trois ours arrivent dans la chambre et Boucle d'Or se réveille. Elle a peur et s'enfuit de la maison." Fin. Bon allez il est tard, maintenant dodo. Alice - Et elle va où, Boucle d'Or ? - Ben on sait jamais, les ours ne l'ont jamais revue dan...
No lo creo todavía estás llegando a mi lado y la noche es un puñado de estrellas y de alegría palpo gusto escucho y veo tu rostro tu paso largo tus manos y sin embargo todavía no lo creo tu regreso tiene tanto que ver contigo y conmigo que por c...