Frank: Did you know that "a la mode", in French, translates literally to "in the fashion"? A la moooode... It comes from the latin word modus to do or proper measure. Richard: Frank shut up.
Robin Hood: [He and Little John are dressed as Gypsy women] Ooh-de-la-lay! Ooh-de-la-lay! Fortune tellers! Little John: Fortunes forecast! Lucky charms! Robin Hood: Catch the dope with your horoscope!
In high fashion, we're always accused of doing things that are not very relevant, not the real world. I know that it's important sometimes to do fantasy, but I felt like touching people and going back to different women and men, especially the idea o...
I see myself as a true modernist. Even when I do a traditional gown, I give it a modern twist. I go to the past for research. I need to know what came before so I can break the rules.
I do think I know more about clothes than any 500 designers, because there's nothing like wearing them. You buy them, you study them, and you start to understand how they're crafted.
My evening really begins when I take a long, hot bath. I light a candle, and I turn on the news and try to catch up. It's when I can breathe from the day to the night, and that means a lot to me.
But, the thing is, since I always had my own little shop and direct access to the public, I've been able to build up a technique without marketing people ever telling me what the public wants.
I used to not like being called a 'woman architect': I'm an architect, not just a woman architect. Guys used to tap me on the head and say, 'You are okay for a girl.' But I see the incredible amount of need from other women for reassurance that it co...
Wanderer, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more; wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking. By walking one makes the road, and upon glancing behind one sees the path that never will be trod again. Wanderer, there is no road-- On...
Oareşce emoţii sunt de aşteptat de la un anticar când e luat pe sus, direct din pat, şi dus la Comandatură. Bine măcar că şoferul nici nu mă bagă în seamă, conduce maşina pe străzile încă pustii cu aroganţa învingătorului. Ferici�...
entre plusieurs opinions également reçues, je ne choisissais que les plus modérées, tant à cause que ce sont toujours les plus commodes pour la pratique, et vraisemblablement les meilleures, tous excès ayant coutume d'être mauvais, comme aussi...
O, sir,' murmured Sheila, still on her knees, 'please forgive me.' 'Forgive you! 0, la, la, la!' cunningly cried the droll, and strutting like an actor. 'Forgiveness is easy, is it not? O, yes, it is nothing. You are a young woman full of pride. O. y...
—Mira, no entiendo todo lo que hemos pasado juntos, lo que significa todo esto. Pero lo que sí sé... —Se enjuga una lágrima de la cara—, lo que sé es que algún día lo echaré de menos, incluso las partes más duras, incluso los horrores. ...
L'Histoire est une étrange créature. Elle a le don de nous aveugler de notre propre reflet quand nous nous penchons vers ses eaux profondes et mystérieuses. Beaucoup d'entre nous s'y noient, comme Narcisse dont la fascination pour sa propre beaut�...
[Gli uomini] sono gli unici, fra tutti gli esseri creati, che hanno la possibilità d'andare contro l'ordine posto da Dio nel creato: gli uomini sono cioè gli unici esseri veramente liberi, appunto perché sono liberi nei confronti di Dio... Dio ave...
Si un inglés se siente incómodo en una situación (es decir, en todas) prepara té. Es una regla universal: cuando no sepas qué hacer, pon la tetera en marcha. ¿Que van a amputarte una pierna? No pasa nada, hombre, tomate una taza de té y asunto...
Como todos los hombres de la Biblioteca, he viajado en mi juventud; he peregrinado en busca de un libro, acaso del catálogo de catálogos; ahora que mis ojos casi no pueden descifrar lo que escribo, me preparo a morir a unas pocas leguas del hexágo...
O era contradictorio, o había que redefinir el término "improvisación". Siempre se piensa que improvisar es actuar sin pensar. Pero si uno hace una cosa por un impulso, o porque le da la gana, o directamente sin saber por qué, de todas maneras es...
Arriba, más arriba que ninguna, en la blanca columna del puente, una inscripción resalta sobre todas las demás, imborrable. Está allí, sobre el frío mármol, azul como sus ojos, bella como siempre la ha deseado. Su corazón empieza a latir fero...
Se acercó aún más y me besó con cautela, como si me pidiera permiso. Su olor corporal, dulzón y almizclado, se coló hasta mis fosas nasales. Era el mismo olor que había exudado su cuerpo la noche anterior, después de hacerme el amor. Mi enfad...
Dacă omul va uita cu desăvârşire că există moarte, că există un , riscăm să ne întoarcem la maimuţe. Explicaţia este simplă: omul activ, omul creator, este excitat mai ales de ideea că într-o zi se va termina totul, că va avea un sf�...