I grew up surrounded by these tough, ballsy, strong women. They were also adoring women, but they were the kind of women who would argue over what kind of pants you were wearing or the color of your nail polish.
I started at the very highest level so the upper end is something I know very well. I know it instinctively. But all the years I was designing, it frustrated me that I could reach so few women.
Just because you're from a city ten miles outside of St. Paul. It doesn't mean you don't read magazines, or the incredible Internet, and what's going on in the world. I never, ever take a client, or women, for granted.
Women are always told, 'You're not going to make it, its too difficult, you can't do that, don't enter this competition, you'll never win it,' - they need confidence in themselves and people around them to help them to get on.
If I were a betting man, and Thank Vegas I’m not, I’d say this bartender looks guilty of murder. Or maybe he just looks drunk. Possibly the two looks are identical.
When I started in 1978, the greatest wine in Spain, Vega Sicilia, wasn't even imported to the United States. The alleged greatest Australian wine, Penfolds Grange, wasn't imported to the United States. There were no by-the-glass programs. Sommeliers ...
I like writing a lot more than I used to. I used to find it scary but now I've got used to it once it gets going. I used to find it hard to start. Fear of the blank page. The first thing you write down won't bear any relation to what's in your head a...
I've never played in Vegas. I've only been to the airport, but even the airport was exciting. Just flying in, looking out the window, you feel the pull of it, like it's some evil force pulling you in, like Mordor.
As a coping mechanism, or as a way to make a little hard count by shilling demons in the shadows, I try not to belittle the thought process of the conspiracy theorists. As a cocktail waitress in Vegas once schooled me: never get down on anybody else'...
As for poker, I've stayed away from that, even though when I was in Vegas for Ocean's Eleven, I would get accosted by these guys begging me to play. They just want to take my money. They see me, think 'actor' and see some easy money.
I'm urging NASA to foster the development of what I call 'runway landers.' No, that's not the name of a high stakes gambler from Vegas. It's a type of spacecraft that flies to orbit like the retiring Shuttles but then glides to a landing like an airp...
Lui sta armeggiando in macchina cercando di liberare la piccola dalle cinture del seggiolino. La bimba sembra essersi svegliata, ma lui è bravo, le parla dolcemente e lei non piange e si lascia andare persino a un risolino. «Forse ci vorrebbe del l...
Curioso: tal como el escritor selecciona un género -muchas veces no por voluntad propia, sino por las afinidades, las inclinaciones, los gustos- en el cual se siente a sus anchas, lo mismo sucede con el lector. Piénsese cuántos lectores hay que en...
L’animale assomigliava a una lucertola, ma aveva le zampe più lunghe e leggermente palmate. Non erano adatte all’acqua, tutt’altro. L’evoluzione aveva imposto alle piccole creature di Haren dei canoni standard per poter navigare in quella sa...
...lo económico por necesidad toma lugar en el tiempo, es decir, es temporal. Dicho de otro modo, los hechos o datos o acontecimientos que el economísta utiliza para sus fines ocurren todos en el tiempo, en el tiempo histórico. No hay, en efecto, ...
In questi anni di guerra ho visto molti attacchi di panico. Conosco due ragioni a queste crisi. Nel prima caso, sono le sensazioni fisiche violente a scatenare la paura. Ne risulta uno stato di totale smarrimento, una specie di paralisi. Come per l�...
En su juego, Loui quiso poner una uva en mi boca y al momento que me acerqué para morderla, inmediatamente me besó de nuevo posesionándose de mi boca con fuerza, con vehemencia, al mismo tiempo que sujetaba mi cuello para evitar que escapara de é...
Años más tarde observé con sorpresa que ese modo que tenía mi hermano de enfrentarse a la realidad aparecía en los libros de texto con el nombre de ascetismo. El asceta busca el bien a través del mal. O se mortifica para alcanzar el bienestar, ...
Anche se le fiamme dipingevano sul corpo di Kirien una miriade di sfumature diverse, la sua natura non era fatta per le mezze misure. Lui era come il deserto: crudele e inclemente. Arido, ma allo stesso tempo ricco. Nel momento in cui ti avvolgeva, t...
Il peut arriver des situations (dans les régimes dictatoriaux, par exemple) où prendre publiquement position est dangereux ; pour le danseur ce l'est pourtant un peu moins que pour les autres, car, s'étant promené sous la lumière des projecteurs...
Soudain, il me sembla que le ciel descendait. De la terre, surgit comme une fontaine d’énergie dorée. Cette chaude énergie m’encercla, et mon corps et mon esprit devinrent très légers et très clairs. Je pouvais même comprendre le chant des...