Argot is both a literary and a social phenomenon. What is argot, properly speaking? Argot is the language of misery.
That one of history’s greatest brains struggled with amo, amas, amat should be consolation to anyone who has ever tried to learn a second language.
When a society decays, it is language that is first to become gangrenous. As a result, social criticism begins with grammar and the re-establishing of meanings
what matters is not the enclosure of the work within a harmonious figure, but the centrifugal force produced by it -- a plurality of language as a guarantee of a truth that is not merely partial.
I’d like to write gibberish in Latin, because if people aren’t going to be able to read it, they might as well not read it in a dead language.
And imagine acquiring a new language and only learning the words to describe a wonderful world, refusing to know the words for a bleak one and in doing so linguistically shaping the world that you inhabit.
If ants had a language they would, no doubt, call their anthill an artifact and describe the brick wall in its neighborhood as a object. in fact would be for them all that was not 'ant-made'.
Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone.
Silence is the language of Om. We need silence to be able to reach our Self. Both internal and external silence is very important to feel the presence of that supreme Love.
Kethry had once described summoning as being “like balancing on a rooftree while screaming an epic poem in a foreign language at the top of your lungs.
We start our lives with blues . . . with music. It's our first language. It's the rhythm of the womb. It's your mama's heartbeat inside your head.
When he spoke of love, it was in the manner of someone who can recite a phrase in a foreign language but has no idea what it means. He only knows that it sounds pretty.
The citizens of Ludania would finally be free, no longer forced into a class system that determined what language they could speak, what jobs they could do, or who they could be
What is above all needed is to let the meaning choose the word, and not the other way around. In prose, the worst thing you can do with words is to surrender to them.
He'd shot and beaten people because he couldn't talk to them.Violence was the only language nobody could understand. There were no translators.
Then the movie started. It was in a foreign language and had subtitles, which was fun because I had never read a movie before.
To most people, if you’re muttering, you might as well be speaking a foreign language. I should know, because in college I took two years of muttering.
In this town to know three languages is an unnecessary luxury. It's not even a luxury, but a sort of unnecessary addition, like a sixth finger. We have a great deal of superfluous knowledge.
I picked up a new language a few months ago. It was just laying on the ground, dirty, so I scooped it up and popped it in my mouth.
The embrace was long and tight, but more like a complex language then a simple prolonged act. She said nothing at all, but damn she said everything. And I finally got it.
Simplicity is no longer presented as a virtue. The value of complex and difficult language has been preached with such insistence that the public has begun to believe the lack of clarity must be a sign of artistic talent.