Did you hear what I was playing, Lane? I didn't think it polite to listen, sir.
The Importance of Being EarnestIt is a law of nature that a dream carried for too long inside you must, eventually, begin to rot.
Skin LaneNobody actually looks like what they really are on the inside. You don't. I don't.
The Ocean at the End of the LaneThey were not my friends, after all. They were just the people I went to school with.
The Ocean at the End of the LaneLiving in the fast lane is great as long as you remember where the slip roads are
Philosophical Uplifting Quotes and PoemsSo? I know damn well that I didn’t poison her.” Veronica Lane, M.D., Treating Murder
Treating MurderI would take a trip down Memory Lane, but with gas prices sky high, forget about it.
This Book is Not FOR SALEOf all the comforting objects in this world, few things are as reassuring and accepting as books.
The Weeping Books Of Blinney LaneOn the contrary, I think making you happy should be taken very seriously.
The Weeping Books Of Blinney LaneA story only matters, I suspect, to the extent that the people in the story change.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane