When my coffee is gone, so is my motivation.
They grew; they did not talk about growing.
Reading—it’s the third best thing to do in bed.
I wokeup in morning and saw, world has move on
The dawn of light is the liberation of souls.
Faith in God, reverence of a Creator!
Sorry. Kesannya gue terlalu memaksakan keadaan. Maklum, gue sedang bertaruh dengan waktu. Persahabatan jaminannya.
This was the magic of feasting & fucking, of savoring the blood of a kill & calling the Pack to dine.
Things are never quite as scary when you've got a best friend.
It's the sad thing about entertainment, it's not always about who is the best.
Absolute power doesn't corrupt, but rather, reveals character.
There are certain guys that think they know hockey because they follow it on the Internet.
America is racial. America was founded on race. Race is America. The code name for America is 'race.'
People come to my places to eat dinner with their friends, not with me.
The mid-day meal is a well-intentioned scheme and has to be implemented effectively.
Lord Emsworth belonged to the people-like-to-be-left-alone-to-amuse-themselves-when-they-come-to-a-place school of hosts
Sometimes the body gets out of bed an hour before the brain.
Post-modernism is modernism with the optimism taken out.
I grew up right near Hollywood, and I wanted to be a filmmaker.
Praying is not telling God what to do. It’s trusting that God knows what to do.
Just because it's imaginary, doesn't mean it's not real.