Master the mind with positive thoughts and affirmations.
Self-preservation is the first responsibility.
All the friends in the world are in the fountain of a pen.
We don't give to get, we get to give
One of my friends is Snake from Skid Row.
The bottom line was that I was in an abusive relationship.
The real rain dance is when the rain dances.
History is conjecture raised to the level of an art.
Truth is an outlaw in every country.
The world is real; philosophy is the illusion.
It's our responsibility to be the best that we can.
I'm focused on football; focused on my family right now.
Family preparedness has been a long-established welfare principle.
I take the family shopping round. The markets of the world.
There are just so many stories that are buried on family trees.
The building block of every community is family.
The Royal family to me are not England, and they are not the flag.
Government cannot be all things to all people.
One must always keep one's government under control.
And there was huge numbers of UFOs around my parents home in Kingston.
Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.